Online Shopping In Bangladesh

The data used in the study was collected via a structured questionnaire survey conducted in November-December 2021. The survey was administered online (due to the ongoing COVID-19-related restrictions) among the population residing in the 50 thanas of the Dhaka . The survey Online Shopping In Bangladesh questionnaire consisted of five sections, namely, (i) demographic characteristics: it collected information about gender, age, level of education, employment status, household size, household income, and Online Shopping In Bangladesh automobile ownership; (ii) general travel behavior: it collected information about the respondents' most frequent trip purpose, most frequently used transportation mode, typical  for most frequent trips; (iii) physical shopping behavior: frequency of physical shopping, type of locations for physical shopping, change in shopping frequency due to online buying; (iv) access to the Internet: it collected information about the internet availability and the frequency and mode of internet use; (v) online shopping behavior: this Online Shopping In Bangladesh section sought to collect information about online shopping frequency by product type, online shopping media and attitude towards online shopping. Online Shopping In Bangladesh

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